Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Is there any hibernate dialect to support Mysql UTF-8 National Character Type? -

Is there any hibernate dialect to support Mysql UTF-8 National Character Type? -

i using nchar, nvarchar , national varchar.


i didn't find back upwards in mysqldialect, mysql5innodbdialect above info type.

public mysqldialect() { super(); registercolumntype( types.bit, "bit" ); registercolumntype( types.bigint, "bigint" ); registercolumntype( types.smallint, "smallint" ); registercolumntype( types.tinyint, "tinyint" ); registercolumntype( types.integer, "integer" ); registercolumntype( types.char, "char(1)" ); registercolumntype( types.float, "float" ); registercolumntype( types.double, "double precision" ); registercolumntype( types.date, "date" ); registercolumntype( types.time, "time" ); registercolumntype( types.timestamp, "datetime" ); registercolumntype( types.varbinary, "longblob" ); registercolumntype( types.varbinary, 16777215, "mediumblob" ); registercolumntype( types.varbinary, 65535, "blob" ); registercolumntype( types.varbinary, 255, "tinyblob" ); registercolumntype( types.longvarbinary, "longblob" ); registercolumntype( types.longvarbinary, 16777215, "mediumblob" ); registercolumntype( types.numeric, "decimal($p,$s)" ); registercolumntype( types.blob, "longblob" ); // registercolumntype( types.blob, 16777215, "mediumblob" ); // registercolumntype( types.blob, 65535, "blob" ); registercolumntype( types.clob, "longtext" ); // registercolumntype( types.clob, 16777215, "mediumtext" ); // registercolumntype( types.clob, 65535, "text" ); ........ }

is there hibernate dialect back upwards mysql utf-8 national character type?

there no such type in mysql, short-hand applying character set 'utf8'.

for illustration writing nchar(10) same writing char(10) character set 'utf8', it's not real type.

you can configure connection , tables utilize utf8 begin , doesn't create difference.

mysql hibernate utf-8 hibernate3 dialect

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