Saturday, 15 February 2014

objective c - Rounded NSView in a Transparent Window -

objective c - Rounded NSView in a Transparent Window -

i'm trying create transparent nswindow rounded view in there.

i'm trying have rounded view transparent window.

this looks now: (see little dots in corners)

here's illustration border radius set 10px (set in nsview drawrect):

i using code apple sample:

specifically method in nswindow subclass:

- (id)initwithcontentrect:(nsrect)contentrect stylemask:(nsuinteger)astyle backing:(nsbackingstoretype)bufferingtype defer:(bool)flag { // using nsborderlesswindowmask results in window without title bar. self = [super initwithcontentrect:contentrect stylemask:nsborderlesswindowmask backing:nsbackingstorebuffered defer:no]; if (self != nil) { // start no transparency drawing window [self setalphavalue:1.0]; // turn off opacity parts of window not drawn transparent. [self setopaque:no]; [self setbackgroundcolor:[nscolor clearcolor]]; } homecoming self; }

and in nsview subclass:

- (void)drawrect:(nsrect)dirtyrect { [[nscolor redcolor] set]; nsbezierpath* thepath = [nsbezierpath bezierpath]; [thepath appendbezierpathwithroundedrect:dirtyrect xradius:3 yradius:3]; [thepath fill]; }

can tell me i'm missing here?


are looking following, there's reddish outline (stroke), center area transparent?

if so, accomplish that, used next code:

- (void)drawrect:(nsrect)frame { frame = nsinsetrect(self.frame, 3.0, 3.0); [nsbezierpath setdefaultlinewidth:6.0]; nsbezierpath *path = [nsbezierpath bezierpathwithroundedrect:frame xradius:6.0 yradius:6.0]; [[nscolor redcolor] set]; [path stroke]; }

if that's you're looking for, can utilize starting point. you'll want create sure inset frame rect 1 half of stroke line width, avoid problem clipping corners seeing.

objective-c cocoa nsview nswindow

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