Friday, 15 August 2014

swing - Implementing auto complete in Java - am I doing it right? -

swing - Implementing auto complete in Java - am I doing it right? -

this question has reply here:

create autocompleting textbox in java dropdown list 3 answers algorithm start input city name - partial or complete if user hits come in , take text jtextfield begin brute forcefulness search. if matches found, set them in vector , set in jlist if no match found, add together string "no match found" in vector display jwindow user containing results stop code: package test; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.dimension; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.vector; public class autocompletetest extends jframe{ jtextfield city = new jtextfield(10); string enteredname = null; string[] cities = {"new jersey","new hampshire", "sussex","essex","london","delhi","new york"}; jlist list = new jlist(); jscrollpane pane = new jscrollpane(); resultwindow r = new resultwindow(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static void main(string[] args) { new autocompletetest(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public autocompletetest(){ setlayout(new java.awt.flowlayout()); setvisible(true); add(city); // add(pane); pack(); setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); city.addkeylistener(new texthandler()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void initiatesearch(string lookfor){ vector<string> matches = new vector<>(); lookfor = lookfor.tolowercase(); for(string each : cities){ if(each.contains(lookfor)){ matches.add(each); system.out.println("match: " + each); } } this.repaint(); if(matches.size()!=0){ list.setlistdata(matches); r.searchresult = list; r.pane = pane; r.initiatedisplay(); }else{ matches.add("no match found"); list.setlistdata(matches); r.searchresult = list; r.pane = pane; r.initiatedisplay(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public class resultwindow extends jwindow{ public jscrollpane pane; public jlist searchresult; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public resultwindow(){ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void initiatedisplay(){ pane.setviewportview(searchresult); add(pane); pack(); this.setlocation(autocompletetest.this.getx() + 2, autocompletetest.this.gety()+ autocompletetest.this.getheight()); // this.setpreferredsize(city.getpreferredsize()); this.setvisible(true); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class texthandler implements keylistener{ @override public void keytyped(keyevent e){ } @override public void keypressed(keyevent e){ if(r.isvisible()){ r.setvisible(false); } if(e.getkeychar() == '\n'){ initiatesearch(city.gettext()); } } @override public void keyreleased(keyevent e){ } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } output


the size of jwindow displaying results (which jlist in jscrollpane) changes based on results - if city name small, jwindow small, if city name big, jwindow big.

i have tried every possible combination. tried using setpreferreddimension() of jwindow, jlist , jscrollpane issue won't go. want match size of decorated jframe no matter what

jlist or jcombobox doesn't returns proper preferredsize, have set value, utilize jlist.setprototypecellvalue() pack() jwindow (must packed after changes) , or jlist.setvisiblerowcount(), value returns getpreferredscrollableviewportsize() jlist in jscrollpane

don't utilize keylistener, utilize documentlistener (chars can inserted scheme clipboard) jtextcomponents

don't reinvent wheel, utilize autocomplete jcombobox / jtextfield, can redirect / returns result matches popup jwindow / undecorated jdialog(quite best workaround popup recycle)


anyways have manually create list of cities supported right ?? bx @little child

this thought quite easy, can set jtable jwindow

with 1 column,

without jtableheader

add there rowsorter (see code illustration in tutorial)

then every steps done :-), nil else required there (maybe bonus alter background of jtextfield in case rowfilter returns no matches, add together setvisible popup window documentlistener (be sure test !isvisible))

java swing autocomplete jframe jwindow

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