Thursday, 15 April 2010 - Why we need to add asp:ScriptManager when we use teleric radgrid - - Why we need to add asp:ScriptManager when we use teleric radgrid -

i want reason adding

asp:scriptmanager id="scriptmanager1" runat="server" enablepartialrendering="true

tag when utilize telerik radgrid.

otherwise throw error this

"the command id 'gdsample' requires scriptmanager on page. scriptmanager must appear before controls need it".

scriptmanager required ajax functionality in , radgrid telerik ajax based grid.

scriptmanager - msdn

the scriptmanager command central ajax functionality in command manages ajax resources on page. includes downloading microsoft ajax library scripts browser , coordinating partial-page updates enabled using updatepanel controls.

radgrid - telerik.

use radgrid ajax in simple or advanced scenarios have paging, sorting, filtering , info editing grouping , displaying hierarchical data. accomplish desktop-like performance data-dense applications abundance of client-side features , minimal html , scripts loaded. telerik telerik-grid

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