jquery - IE cross domain jSONP to google apps script content service -
i have script gets json info google apps scriptdb using content service. i'm using jquery jsonp (since cross domain coming gas). working fine on chrome & safari, on ie of course, i'm hitting problems.
i came across ie/msdn article describes cross domain jsonp need served specific mime type work ie nowadays - don't believe in google apps script content service can alter mime type 1 of acceptable values.
so instead, i've been looking @ xdomainrequest - code comes script5: access denied on ie9 & ie10 on xdr.open() line.
if (window.xdomainrequest) { // ie var xdr = new xdomainrequest(); xdr.open("get", url); xdr.onload = function() { deferred.resolve(json.parse(xdr.responsetext)); } xdr.onerror(function() { deferred.reject("error ie xdomain request " + url); }); xdr.send(); } else { $.getjson(url, null, function (data) { deferred.resolve(data); }) .error(function(res, status, err) { deferred.reject("error " + err + " " + url); }); } homecoming deferred.promise();
the url that's beingness fetched https://script.google.com/macros/s/akfycbzc0ybs8ffuzyjp1ihgpetx-msc288ml6vyhjnqn9b9kl3phhuh/exec?panelset=xliberation_panel&callback=?
the entire script http://xliberation.com/s/badgemanager.html
i've seen lot of posts topics related this, haven't been able create work. has definitively figured out jsonp ie/gas combination?
file feature request on issue tracker; there's no reason can't add together types need. (and in answer, don't think has raised issue before on tracker , weren't aware of it.)
jquery internet-explorer google-apps-script cross-domain jsonp
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