Tuesday, 15 February 2011

delphi - What's the difference between TForm.Close and closing via a form's handle? -

delphi - What's the difference between TForm.Close and closing via a form's handle? -

my application has 1 main form , have button on form close/exit application. it's written phone call windows close handle:

sendmessage(handle, wm_close, 0, 0);

but i'm wondering what's harm in using:


what's proper usage here? there reason utilize sendmessage?

they same thing. in fact, in forms.pas find

procedure wmclose(var message: twmclose); message wm_close; ... implementation ... procedure tcustomform.wmclose(var message: twmclose); begin close; end;

showing wm_close message translates self.close.

generally, should utilize close if can, since more delphi-ish , shorter.

forms delphi winapi

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