Friday, 15 July 2011

model view controller - In joomla components, where should i store the database functions, and how to call them? -

model view controller - In joomla components, where should i store the database functions, and how to call them? -

i building first joomla component.

i have 3 tables in it: __questions __resaults __display

i need joomla user table:


i have single view: view.questions.html

this view gets info , needs database functions. needs to:

get info user table. get info resaults table get info display table -set- info reaults table

now, know joomla built mvc architecture. this, assume, means no dealing database in views.

where should store database hendling functions, , how can phone call them in front end end?

the function dealing questions in question view model, no problem, other tables? should set functions dealing them in question model well, helper file, or create models each other table, , phone call them question view? if should create other models, how phone call them question view?

thank much help!

create model each table. instantiate them controller create them available views.

database model-view-controller architecture joomla model

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