Sunday, 15 January 2012

android - OnItemClickListener on a ListView inside a Fragment not working -

android - OnItemClickListener on a ListView inside a Fragment not working -

edit: solved. if there's focusable in xml of items, break touch of list, in other words, android:focusable=false checkboxes, switches or of ur list. , done =)

ok so, here's problem.

i wrote app uses tabs , fragments, , goes way want except thing when seek capture onitemclick on listview it not mark row touched/pressed/selected.

i've been reading little bit , many people have same issue, did not found responses helped me @ all.

i don't want implement listfragment, in fact don't know how/why should, , since code working, don't know if implementing 1 give me much more work do, so, here is:

is possible implement listener click on listview, within fragment? , if is, how?

pd: minsdk=14, tatgetsdk=15

here's code snippet that'll want. listview lv; //code listview instance using findviewbyid etc lv.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() { @override public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> arg0, view arg1,int position, long arg3) { toast.maketext(enclosingactivity.this, "stop clicking me", toast.length_short).show(); } }); people trip on this, see if have got covered:

all clicks , phone call backs (eg: menu/actionbar callbacks) sent activity fragment bound to, must in activity class , not fragment class.

android listview fragment onclicklistener

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