Sunday, 15 January 2012

ios - How do I reach a sender's parent view? -

ios - How do I reach a sender's parent view? -

i have button within custom cell. when tapped button presents view via modal segue.

so, here's question, in prepareforsegue:sender: want pull indexpath of cell contains button(sender) pushed. how cell's indexpath?

i thought like:

uitableviewcell * cell = sender.parent

obviously doesn't work way.

please help me out.

update @rmaddy i've tried [[sender superview] superview] , got cell in button held , it's indexpath. answers guys!

assuming sender uiview of sort (such uibutton), then:

uiview *parentview = [(uiview *)sender superview];

if positive button's superview table cell can do:

uitableviewcell *cell = (uitableviewcell *)[(uiview *)sender superview];

once have cell, utilize table view's indexpathforcell: method.

keep in mind if added button cell's contentview or other subview of cell, getting cell button bit trickier.

ios objective-c cell

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