Sunday, 15 January 2012

ms access - Database design for projects -

ms access - Database design for projects -

i have old database 2 tables:

table1=standard items

table2=all items

this database first design tool single project.

i have 1 single database handles projects, require new design - best design when need database this:

make copies of standard items a. 50 standard items , project mananger (pm) need create 2-3 copies of same item. make changes new items step 1 make query on new items step 1 several project managers can work on step 1-3 changes on new items (step1) can occur during project when project finish new items needs stored in table items

need help on this: a. best practice, when need re-create items (sometime several of same item) b. how seperate new items between pms c. how items in table2

i need help on best practice on one.

there no need 2 tables, can indicate flags , dates item in terms of work. consider next sketch.


projectid contact -- fk pm id. lead, other contacts in personsproject tables etc

items -- all

id -- pk projectid - fk project assignedto - fk, depend on whether person in charge of item stage , / or status -- fk list description notes created date completed date deleted date deleted reason created deleted


id etc

personsitems or personsproject

personid projectid notes etc

possibly table of assigned items

personid projectid itemid

in addition, if have limited list of possible items, might need item list table, in case itemlistid go items table , description come out.

ms-access database-design

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