iphone - Errors while trying to play sounds with AudioToolbox in Xcode 4.6 -
this issue have been trying prepare while. error in header file app trying create ios using audiotoolbox framework. here code:
#import <iad/iad.h> #import <uikit/uikit.h> #import <audiotoolbox/audiotoolbox.h> #import <iad/adbannerview_deprecated.h> #import <foundation/foundation.h> #import <avfoundation/avfoundation.h> @interface viewcontroller : uiviewcontroller <adbannerviewdelegate> { adbannerview *adview; bool bannerisvisible; } @property (nonatomic, assign) bool bannerisvisible; - (ibaction)cstring:(id)sender { cfbundleref mainbundle = cfbundlegetmainbundle(); cfurlref soundfileurlref; soundfileurlref = cfbundlecopyresourceurl(mainbundle, (cfstringref) @"cstring", cfstr ("caf"), null); uint32 soundid; audioservicescreatesystemsoundid(soundfileurlref, &soundid); audioservicesplaysystemsound(soundid); } @end
also, sound file in supporting files folder.
ahhh, see problem.
you set function declarations .h (or header) file, "@interface
" while actual code you'll set .m file, has keyword "@implementation
it looks have code in wrong place.
iphone ios objective-c audio audiotoolbox
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