Wednesday, 15 May 2013

python - Pyinstaller .exe not working on all computers -

python - Pyinstaller .exe not working on all computers -

today i've managed bundle python programme first time using pyinstaller (single file). compiled without errors , running should on computer on compiled it. however, when .exe file computer, runs point press specific button process info , doesn't anything. next message:

no module named numpy.distutils.msvccompiler in numpy.distutils; trying distutils cannot build import library: "c:\users\****\appdata\local\temp\_mei94842\libs\python27.lib" not found cannot build import library: "c:\users\****\appdata\local\temp\_mei94842\libs\python27.lib" not found exception in tkinter callback [ bunch of tracebacks ] compileerror: error: not create 'c:\users\****\appdata\local\temp\****\python27_intermediate\ compiler_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\release\users\****\****\pyinstaller\gui\dist\gui.exe?175104': syntax of filename, directoryname or volumename wrong

since absolute beginner when comes packaging code, pretty clueless on have prepare this.

imported libraries: tkinter, tkfiledialog, tkmessagebox, numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, scipy.signal.medfilt, scipy.weave, pywt

there bits of c++ code included using scipy.weave

update: i've forced utilize of gcc compiler rather msvc , solved warning in first line, not rest. seems related scipy.weave, since of callbacks (that left out) refer pieces of code utilize weave. how create pyinstaller work weave?

thank you

python pyinstaller

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