python - Pyinstaller .exe not working on all computers -
today i've managed bundle python programme first time using pyinstaller (single file). compiled without errors , running should on computer on compiled it. however, when .exe file computer, runs point press specific button process info , doesn't anything. next message:
no module named numpy.distutils.msvccompiler in numpy.distutils; trying distutils cannot build import library: "c:\users\****\appdata\local\temp\_mei94842\libs\python27.lib" not found cannot build import library: "c:\users\****\appdata\local\temp\_mei94842\libs\python27.lib" not found exception in tkinter callback [ bunch of tracebacks ] compileerror: error: not create 'c:\users\****\appdata\local\temp\****\python27_intermediate\ compiler_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\release\users\****\****\pyinstaller\gui\dist\gui.exe?175104': syntax of filename, directoryname or volumename wrong
since absolute beginner when comes packaging code, pretty clueless on have prepare this.
imported libraries: tkinter, tkfiledialog, tkmessagebox, numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, scipy.signal.medfilt, scipy.weave, pywt
there bits of c++ code included using scipy.weave
update: i've forced utilize of gcc compiler rather msvc , solved warning in first line, not rest. seems related scipy.weave
, since of callbacks (that left out) refer pieces of code utilize weave. how create pyinstaller work weave?
thank you
python pyinstaller
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