Sunday, 15 June 2014

Iterating a string and replacing an element in python -

Iterating a string and replacing an element in python -

i attempting search through 2 strings looking matching elements. if strings have 2 elements in mutual in different positions, want create element in 'guess' string cow. if strings have 2 elements in same position, element bull.

here have:

if index(number,i) in guess , not index(guess,i) == index(guess,i): replace(index(guess,i),'cow') if index(guess,i) == index(number,i): replace(index(guess,i),'bull')

i'm not sure if i'm using index correctly.

first off, need using index() , replace() string methods, martijn said in comment.

this so: guess.index(i) find index of i in string guess.

you might want check out find() same index() won't raise exception when substring not found.

also note seeing if result of index() in string guess. error, since integer cannot in string! index() returns integer!

then consider stating ... , not guess.index(i) == guess.index(i): (i fixed index code) makes no sense, since of course of study equal! same thing!

lastly, using replace incorrectly. the documentation, replace takes string first argument - not index! seek using so: guess = guess.replace(i, 'bull'). alter guess have all occurrences of i replaced string 'bull'.

i wasn't concerned actual algorithm here, basic errors.

python string replace indexing

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