Saturday, 15 May 2010

cmake- Find uncompiled libs -

cmake- Find uncompiled libs -

i'm building project uses ogre , cegui, , cmake has building tool. i'm running issues: cegui can't find it's uncompiled dependancies, while ogre find them. general construction of project is:

base baselevelcmake deps cegui upperlevelcmake ogre upperlevelcmake there deps project myprojectcmakelist

so question 2 aspect question:

how can create cmake find uncompiled code? how can hint locations of deps without modify upper level cmake list?«

my goal fetch scm base of operations folder, start getdeps(.sh/.bat) fetch deps, , phone call cmake, create build files , configure ogre , cegui.

right now, have manually build pretty much deps , add together there path environment findable. useful if auto.

if don't develop/maintain cegui, instead tracking uncompiling source yourself, why not utilize whatever build , install scripts upstream provides? can either use

add_custom_command(output ceguilib command cegui build script command cegui install script )

or add_custom_target(ceguilib_build_install command cegui build script command cegui install script )

if develop/maintain cegui, , want set source files in array, can use

file(glob ...)


file(glob_recures ...)

to grab source files, plus can use

list(append ... ) list(remove_item ...)

to add/remove source code list.

for find library, can use


to that.


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