Saturday, 15 May 2010

How to compile library on C using GCC? -

How to compile library on C using GCC? -

i made library files pila.h , pila.c. compile file pila.c gcc pila.c -c , library works fine. have tested it.

then made library. library has files pila_funciones_extra.h , pila_funciones_extra.c. in library need include first library. in file pila_funciones_extra.h set next line include it:

# include "pila.h"

and in file pila_funciones_extra.c set next line:

# include "pila_funciones_extra.h"

as has be.

but when seek compile file pila_funciones_extra.c compiler doensn't recognize inclusion of library pila. says functions, structures, constants , macros defined in library pila haven't been defined.

i tried compile gcc pila_funciones_extra.c -c , gcc pila_funciones_extra.c -c pila.o doesn't work.

i made sure files in same folder.

i'm working on ubuntu.

can tell me right way compile it?

first, take habit compile -wall (and perhaps also -wextra more warnings) alternative gcc; gives warnings, , should improve code till no warnings given.

then want able debug code, pass -g gcc. 1 time confident code inquire gcc produce optimized machine code -o2. larn utilize gdb debugger.

so compile first library, assuming source files first1.c , first2.c in firstlib/ directory, e.g.

cd firstlib/ gcc -wall -g -c first1.c -o first1.o gcc -wall -g -c first2.c -o first2.o

at point, should utilize makefile , larn how utilize make, in particular because want libfirst.a

ar ruv libfirst.a first1.o first2.o ranlib libfirst.a

then can pass -l../firstlib -lfirst lastly options gcc command compiling , linking programme using libfirst.a

then compile sec library having makefile in directory secondlib/ should contain

# in secondlib/makefile cc=gcc cflags= -i../firstlib/ -wall -g ## add together other stuff create

etc etc. want larn how utilize make , write own makefile-s take time read gnu create documentation.

you may want pass -h gcc have tell included files, , may want utilize remake (in add-on & replacement of make) debug more complex makefile-s (notably running remake -x). here illustration of makefile; you'll find many others!

read program library howto

c gcc compilation include libraries

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