Thursday, 15 July 2010

c# - WPF Access Self -

c# - WPF Access Self -

this first day wpf. fun!

i have wpf application opens/returns file openfiledialog. have existing script deconstructs , extracts info already. need able access info (i guess bind to) , display in element in xaml. haven't been able figure out how this.

so setup.


namespace gridview { public partial class mainwindow { private gridset<byte> _grids; public mainwindow() { initializecomponent(); } private void open_onclick(object sender, routedeventargs e) { var opendialog = new openfiledialog(); if (opendialog.showdialog().value) { //populate _grids info } } } }


<window xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:ignorable="d" x:class="gridview.mainwindow" title="grid view" width="800" height="600" windowstartuplocation="centerscreen"> <dockpanel> ... "open_onclick" here ... <textbox/> </dockpanel> </window>

as can see, .cs file interaction logic mainwindow. why on earth can't figure out how configure textbox display info in _grids?

i have fiddled x:name, x:reference, window.resources, datacontext, binding, , on, haven't found guide yet has applied this. , it's because still don't understand every facet of wpf. doing wrong here?

(i alternatively satisfied wpf tutorial doesn't create brain ooze out ears.)

you have declared _grids in c#, it's not added visual tree.

the simplest way declare object in xaml (though i'm not 100% sure gridset - can't find documentation on that). if simple grid you'd have:

<dockpanel> <grid x:name="mygrid" /> </dockpanel>

by naming can access in code:


to utilize binding must set datacontext of window. simplest way have:

this.datacontext = this;

in constructor.

c# wpf xaml

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