Sunday, 15 August 2010

html - Css selector -

html - Css <ul> selector -

what selector reach ul markups highlighted below? (no class or id possible need selector html markup)

here html code:

<div id="mainmenu"> <ul class="menu"> <li class="item-472"> <a href="#">accueil</a> </li> <li class="item-475 current active deeper parent"> <a href="#" class="drop">produits</a> **<ul> <!--here first ul i'm tryin style --> ** <li class="item-519 deeper parent" > <h3>fenĂȘtres</h3> <p>pvc</p> <a href="#">fenĂȘtres</a> ** <ul> <!-- sec ul style -->** <li class="item-521 deeper parent"> <a href="#">pvc</a> <ul > <li class="item-522"><a href="#">arcade</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li>

there number of ways style these unordered lists, depending on how specific want selectors be. have created comprehensive list below.

ways select first ul:

ul li ul ul li ul ul .item-475 ul ul .current ul ul .active ul ul .deeper ul ul .parent ul

ways select sec ul:

ul ul li ul ul ul li ul ul ul .item-475 ul ul ul .current ul ul ul .active ul ul ul .deeper ul ul ul .parent ul ul

important: sure sec ul either specific or more specific first ul. otherwise, style of first ul applied sec ul.

for example, this work:

li ul { /* styles here */ } ul .current ul ul { /* styles here */ }

but this not work:

ul .current ul { /* styles here */ } ul ul { /* styles here */ }

html css css-selectors

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