Matlab: Free memory of class objects -
i wrote code using matlab's oop. in each class object save measurement info property , define methods evaluating them. average info set 1 single class object uses 32 mb of memory. writing gui should process these objects.
in first step load set of objects saved .mat-file (about 200 objects, 2gb on harddisk) , store them in handles struct. fill ram , utilize 6-7 gb, when loaded. no problem.
but if close gui, seems can't free used memory. tried different approaches no success.
setting info fields "empty" in destructor of class:
function delete(obj) obj.timevector = []; obj.valuevector = []; end
trying free in figure_closerequestfcn:
function figure_closerequestfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) = []; handles = rmfield(handles,'data'); guidata(hobject,handles); clear handles; pack; %matlab issues warning, pack %be used command line, did %not work either delete(hobject); end
any ideas, besides closing matlab every time after working gui?
i found reply in matlab bug study center. seems exist since r2011b.
storing objects in mat-files can cause memory leak , prevent object class beingness cleared
after storing instance of class, 'myclass', in mat-file, calling clear classes may result in warning:
warning: objects of 'myclass' class exist. cannot clear class or of superclasses.
this warning persists, if have cleared instances of class in workspace. warning may occur 1 mat-file format, , not another.
under circumstances, switching different mat-file format may eliminate warning.
edit: tried older formats saving, not work either. "error closing file" ( matlab not back upwards saving class objects well. have live memory issues , restart matlab after every utilize of gui.
class matlab memory
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