css - Primefaces Picklist add and remove buttons not working in Chrome -
primefaces 3.4 | glassfish server: 3.1.2 | netbeans 7.1.2 | jsf 2.0 | mojarra 2.1.17 |
edit 2: have found button works, if click in little , spot, not on button, lower down, in white space) picklist add/remove , right-almost in white space- p:inplace buttons. checking .ui-button css figure out if spacing weird, can't understand why problem in chrome.
edit: on review, p:inplace not working.
i using chrome version 24.0.1312.56 , have noticed add together , remove buttons primefaces picklist not work. however, can double click item move on or drag , drop it. buttons work in ff , ie. here picklist code:
<p:picklist id="addressbooklist" value="#{editgroupbean.contactlist}" var="contact" itemvalue="#{contact}" itemlabel="#{contact.email}" converter="userconverter" showsourcefilter="true" showtargetfilter="true" filtermatchmode="contains" style="text-align: left;"> <p:column style="width:140px; text-align:left"> #{contact.firstname} #{contact.lastname} </p:column > <p:column style="width:210px; text-align: left;"> #{contact.email} </p:column> <f:facet name="sourcecaption"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">address book</span></f:facet> <f:facet name="targetcaption"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">in consult</span></f:facet> </p:picklist>
i have removed add together all/removed buttons in css , styled add/remove buttons. here picklist css styling (not sure if affecting or not):
.ui-picklist-button-add-all{ visibility: hidden !important; } .ui-picklist-button-remove-all { visibility: hidden !important; } /*this changes background image , colors of pick-list buttons */ .ui-picklist-button-add{ background-image: url('../../images/arrowright_bluebig.png') !important; border-top: 1px solid #b4b4b4 !important; position: relative; background-color:#dddddd !important; /* svg background image (ie9/chrome/safari/opera/ff)*/ background:url('someurl'); //this gradient .ui-picklist-button-remove{ background-image: url('../../images/arrowleft_bluebig.png') !important; border-top: 1px solid #b4b4b4 !important; position: relative; height: 1%; background-color:#dddddd !important; /* svg background image (ie9/chrome/safari/opera/ff) */ background-image:url('someurl'); //this gradient }
css jsf google-chrome primefaces
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