Friday, 15 July 2011

android - Speech API RecognizerIntent - Bypass the Didn't catch that. try speaking again message -

android - Speech API RecognizerIntent - Bypass the Didn't catch that. try speaking again message -

i have implemented recognizerintent , called google's voice recognition service , works fine , results. however, if mumble or far away device message "didn't grab that. seek speaking again." message. there way bypass , not show message don't want users have press ok continue?


use speechrecognizer if want in command of ui.

if understand correctly launching recognizerintent , gets handled 1 of activities in google search app (or google voice search, or whatever happens called currently). now, since activity, takes on ui, i.e. pops dialog box, shows prompt , vu meter, etc. in case of error condition, in principle homecoming command app sending 1 of error codes e.g. result_no_match (as documentation suggests), chooses not to. instead pops "try again" message. way homecoming activity pressing back, or hoping recognition succeeds.

if want command more of user experience utilize speechrecognizer. way calling service , interact via callbacks. in total command of ui. or almost, e.g. google app makes beep when recognition starts, , there no way turn off , provide own beep.

note reply specific (to specific version) of google's voice recognition service not part of android proper. implements part of recognizerintent/speechrecognizer api different versions differ in api coverage , exact behavior. reply might become wrong in future.

android speech-recognition

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