Friday, 15 June 2012

WMIC error: desciption = exception occured when searching for hotfix -

WMIC error: desciption = exception occured when searching for hotfix -

i have wmic command want run query list of machines , homecoming csv file if hotfix installed. in case hotfix id 2617858. starts process , comes after 20 seconds: error: desciption = exception occured . works when there few machines in file need run against 40 computers.

any suggestions ? thanks


wmic /failfast:on /node:@"c:\users\username\desktop\servers.txt" qfe | find "2617858" > \\computername\c$\users\username\desktop\hotfix.csv

for it's worth, might easier inquire wmic filter rather piping wmic through find. this:

wmic /node:@"c:\users\username\desktop\servers.txt" qfe hotfixid="kb983590" csname /format:list >>hotfix.txt

or if problem wmic can't handle many servers in servers.txt, seek looping through list batch for loop.

@echo off setlocal /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in ("c:\users\username\desktop\servers.txt") ( set /p "=checking %%i... " wmic /node:%%i qfe hotfixid="kb983590" csname /format:list >>hotfix.txt 2>>failures.txt echo done. ) echo unable query next computers: type failures.txt

as alternative, can perform same action using powershell.

powershell -command "$pcs = get-content c:\users\username\desktop\servers.txt; foreach ($pc in $pcs) { get-wmiobject -computername $pc win32_quickfixengineering | where-object {$_.hotfixid -eq 'kb980232'} | select-object csname }" >>hotfix.txt

... although if wmi unresponsive on server wmic, won't have much improve luck using powershell.


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