ruby - couldn't load "nokogiri" in the IRB -
i have installed nokogiri
in required ruby lib
file below:
c:\ruby193>gem list *** local gems *** addressable (2.3.2) bigdecimal (1.1.0) builder (3.1.4) bundler (1.2.3) childprocess (0.3.6) domain_name (0.5.7) ffi (1.3.1 x86-mingw32) git (1.2.5) hoe (3.4.1) httpclient (2.3.2) io-console (0.3) jar_wrapper (0.1.2) jeweler (1.8.4) json (1.5.4) libwebsocket ( mechanize (2.5.1) mechanize-downloader (0.0.1) mime-types (1.19) mini_magick (3.2.1) minitest (2.5.1) multi_json (1.5.0) net-http-digest_auth (1.2.1) net-http-persistent (2.8) nokogiri (1.5.6 x86-mingw32) ntlm-http (0.1.1) progressbar (0.12.0) rake ( rautomation (0.7.3) rdoc (3.9.4) rubyzip (0.9.9) s4t-utils (1.0.4) selenium (0.2.5) selenium-webdriver (2.27.2) subexec (0.0.4) unf (0.0.5) unf_ext (0.0.5 x86-mingw32) user-choices ( watir-classic (3.4.0) watir-webdriver (0.6.2) webrobots (0.0.13) websocket (1.0.6) win32-api (1.4.8 x86-mingw32) win32-process (0.7.1) win32screenshot (1.0.7) windows-api (0.4.2) windows-pr (1.2.2) xml-simple (1.1.2) zip (2.0.2)
now in below when trying nokogiri
,getting error below,whereas installed in desktop.
c:\ruby193>irb irb(main):001:0> require 'nokogiri' loaderror: cannot load such file -- nokogiri c:/ruby193/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:i n `require' c:/ruby193/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:i n `require' (irb):1 c:/ruby193/bin/irb:12:in `<main>' irb(main):002:0> require 'selenium-webdriver' => true irb(main):003:0>
did seek install mswin32-60
version instead of x86-mingw32
gem install nokogiri --platform=x86-mswin32-60
alternatively, seek updating rubygems version gem update --system
ruby nokogiri
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