java - Unable to retrieve data from SQLite -
please have @ next code
the code used retrieve data
public list<string> getallbranches() { // todo auto-generated method stub string selectquery = "select city branchnetwork"; cursor cursor = database.rawquery(selectquery, null); list <string>branches = new arraylist<string>(); if(cursor.isfirst()) { { } while(cursor.movetonext()); toast.maketext(context, "data retrieved: "+branches.get(1), toast.length_long).show(); } homecoming branches; }
the code used insert data
public string insertdata(string city, string streetaddress,string phonenumber1, string phonenumber2, string email) { string insertquery = "insert branchnetwork ('city','streetaddress','phonenumber1','phonenumber2','email') values('"+city+"','"+streetaddress+"','"+phonenumber1+"','"+phonenumber2+"','"+email+"');"; seek { database.execsql(insertquery); homecoming "data inserted"; } catch(exception e) { toast.maketext(context, "exception: "+e.getmessage(), toast.length_long).show(); homecoming "data insertion failed"; } }
the first activity. here retrieve info , insert data. next how retrieve data
public class form extends activity { private list<string>branches = new arraylist<string>(); private databaseconnector databaseconnector; string[]arr; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_form); databaseconnector = databasehandler.getinstance(this); databaseconnector.createconnection(); branches = databaseconnector.getallbranches(); arr = branches.toarray(new string[branches.size()]); } }
but, never anything! in, have made toast
should generate message when code retrieved. not generating anything! loading info listview
empty! why this? please help!
ps: next, insert face databasehandler
package com.example.esoftcallmanager; import java.util.list; import android.content.context; public interface databaseconnector { public void createconnection(); public void closeconnection(); public string getphonenumber(); public string insertdata(string city, string streetaddress, string phonenumber1, string phonenumber2, string email); public list<string>getallbranches(); }
you forget add together info in array of list. seek out below:
string selectquery = "select city branchnetwork"; cursor cursor = database.rawquery(selectquery, null); list <string> branches = new arraylist<string>(); string str=null; cursor.movetofirst(); { str= m_cursor.getstring(m_cursor.getcolumnindex("city")); branches.add(str); } while(cursor.movetonext()); toast.maketext(context, "data retrieved: "+branches.get(1), toast.length_long).show(); } homecoming branches;
java android eclipse sqlite
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