Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Working with multiple classes files in Objective C -

Working with multiple classes files in Objective C -

i have class called graphicobject looks this:

#import <foundation/foundation.h> @interface graphicobject : nsobject { int fillcolor; int linecolor; bool filled; } -(void) fillcolor: (int) fc; -(void) linecolor: (int) lc; -(int) getfilledcolor; -(int) getlinecolor; -(bool) filled: (int) isfilled; @end

and created 3 other files of rectangle, circle , triangle (each of course of study have .h/.m).

for them have access exact same methods, plenty #import graphicobject.h ?

this graphicobject.m :

#import "graphicobject.h" #import "rectangle.h" //--------------------------get , set filled/line colors----------------------------------// -(void) fillcolor:(int)fc { fillcolor = fc; } -(void) linecolor:(int)lc { linecolor = lc; } -(int) getfilledcolor { homecoming fillcolor; } -(int) getlinecolor { homecoming linecolor; } //-------------------------------------is filled?--------------------------------------------// -(bool) filled:(int)isfilled { isfilled = fillcolor; homecoming isfilled; }

i tried main :

rectangle *myr = [[rectangle alloc] init]; [myr fillcolor:1]; nslog(@"%i", myr.getfilledcolor);

and im getting error...appreciate help.


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