cordova - Ripple incorrectly renders mobile application elements -
i've started mobile application development journey , found fantastic ripple emulator. i'm having problem, not render emulated application correctly.
for selected platform (android + phonegap 2.3.0) , device (galaxy nexus phone) every application's elements way much bigger, appears on device.
for example, images much bigger (example 250x250 image fill entire ripple emulator screen while on nexus, takes little part of screen native resolution -- 720x1280). texts 14pt font size big, while on nexus they're little hard read. , on.
it fails respond standard javascript events. example, see no effect, when manually fire deviceready event, while on nexus see text alert message, i've set there.
this makes testing mobile apps under ripple emulator quite useless, @ to the lowest degree me.
i wondering, if caused ripple beingness unable read application's configuration file. can there connection between missing configuration , problems in css interpretation?
what can wrong or miss? i've set proper chrome's settings, instructed on ripple emulator page , i'm opening chrome proper flag allow access local files via file:/// protocol. i'm quite out of ideas, else can try?
make sure set zoom level of chrome 100%.
cordova ripple
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