Wednesday, 15 September 2010

iphone - iterating through subviews - how to reach to all UI objects -

iphone - iterating through subviews - how to reach to all UI objects -

i have created xib file custom uiview , loaded xib custom uiview with;

nsarray *views = [[nsbundle mainbundle] loadnibnamed:@"productdetailview" owner:self options:nil]; self = [views objectatindex:0];

i didn't wanted define subviews iboutlets, instead thought iterating through subviews more appropriate.

(id subview in self.subviews) { if ([subview iskindofclass:[uiview class]]) { uiview *theview = (uiview*)subview; if (theview.tag == 16) { // tag 16 specific uiviews... stuff } } else if ([subview iskindofclass:[uilabel class]]) { uilabel *thelabel = (uilabel*)subview; if (thelabel.tag == 21) { // tag 17 specific uilabels... stuff } else { // no tag... stuff } } }

i thought more robust, since uilabels inherited uiviews, cannot utilize approach. aware changing if orders can create work, not feeling depend on order if-clauses

what asking is, logical approach in such situation? should using viewwithtag: function instead of looping through id s , casting?

if want test specific type of object utilize ismemberofclass rather iskindofclass, tests if object of specified class or inherits specified class.

iphone ios objective-c cocoa-touch

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