Sunday, 15 May 2011

php - What is wrong with my update cade? -

php - What is wrong with my update cade? -

what wrong code update sql database table informatie , need update field text.

$info = nl2br($_post["info"]); echo $info."<br>"; $infoid = $_post["infoid"]; echo $infoid; echo "<br>info id : $infoid"; $sql = "update informatie set text = $text infoid = $infoid"; $query = mysql_query("$sql");

the echo $info , $infoid correct.

i tryd

$sql = "update informatie set text = $text infoid = '$infoid'";

also didnt work to

string values must quoted.

$sql = "update informatie set text = '$text' infoid = $infoid";

if infoid string, need wrap single quotes.

$sql = "update informatie set text = '$text' infoid = '$infoid'";

as sidenote, query vulnerable sql injection if value(s) of variables came outside. please take @ article below larn how prevent it. using preparedstatements can rid of using single quotes around values.

how prevent sql injection in php?

php mysql sql sql-update

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