Sunday, 15 April 2012

visual c++ - &amp in xml - not able to httppost using CinternetSession -

visual c++ - &amp in xml - not able to httppost using CinternetSession -

i trying post xml file using tinyxml , cinternetsession.

what happens when have xml string this:


when seek post server cannot so.

text stops @

this code tried :

tixmldocument docs( c:\\data.xml" ); bool loadokay = docs.loadfile(); if ( loadokay ) { } else { tixmlprinter printer; printer.setindent("\t"); docs.accept( &printer ); docs.print(); cstring urlpostdata = printer.cstr(); #define max_read_buffer 102400 cstring strheaders =_t("content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); cstring strformdata = _t("data=<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><urldata>"+urlpostdata+"</urldata>"); //afxmessagebox(strformdata); // here got msgbox "&amp" in data, while posting fails. cinternetsession session; session.setoption(internet_option_connect_timeout,10000); session.setoption(internet_option_connect_retries, 3); chttpconnection* pconnection = session.gethttpconnection(_t("")); chttpfile* pfile = pconnection->openrequest(chttpconnection::http_verb_post, _t("/wintest/testservlet?")); bool result = pfile->sendrequest(strheaders, (lpvoid)(lpctstr)strformdata, strformdata.getlength()); dword dwerror; pfile->queryinfostatuscode(dwerror); if(dwerror==200) { afxmessagebox("data posted"); } }

my xml file is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <application name="assignments"> <starttime>11/02/2013 16:27:14</starttime> </application>

xml visual-c++ xmlhttprequest http-post tinyxml

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