Thursday, 15 August 2013

java - What exactly is a data source? What difference does it make? -

java - What exactly is a data source? What difference does it make? -

when tried found connection oracle database, had write

connection con = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:odbc:dan", "system", "noodles");

here, dan info source name, isn't it? if created table called cbc when info source dan , if rename info source , come in farther rows table? difference make?

dan name of odbc connection configured on machine. name not matter, long database configured connect same, doesn't matter if phone call dan, mydatabase or foobar.

note specific way access database configured externally not thing jdbc in general, it's specific behaviour of jdbc-odbc bridge (which lets access odbc connections via jdbc).

other jdbc drivers (such mysql) utilize different syntax necessary configuration accessing database encoded in url: jdbc:mysql://mydbserver/mydbname.

note jdbc-odbc bridge never intended production-quality db connections (it removed in java 8!). quick way utilize existing setup.

for oracle db connections should instead utilize appropriate type 4 driver oracle. drivers utilize url in form jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/servicename (generally speaking, part after jdbc: identifies jdbc driver used).

java jdbc jdbc-odbc

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