Friday, 15 June 2012

ios - Code in viewDidLoad not being executed -

ios - Code in viewDidLoad not being executed -

in storyboard user interface have added uiimageviews , uiscrollviews. set size , position of these in viewdidload, in way:

- (void)viewdidload { [facebooksharing setframe:cgrectmake(400, facebooksharing.frame.origin.y, facebooksharing.frame.size.width, facebooksharing.frame.size.height)]; [bumpimage setframe:cgrectmake(500, bumpimage.frame.origin.y, bumpimage.frame.size.width, bumpimage.frame.size.height)]; }

the problem code not beingness applied. have button exact same code, , when press it, work fine. so, there possibility code not executed in viewdidload. (even if nslog() proves viewdidload running)?

furthermore, have code in viewdidload specific uiviewcontroller ipad , code works there. works ipad, not iphone, in controller. why this? give thanks you.

frames , bounds not set until viewdidappear called. seek moving code viewdidappear.

ios xcode

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